Monday, November 16, 2009

Homework 10

Homework 10

The mission of my project is to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of health care for all. In the future there will be a program of health research that will promote the improvements in the clinical health system. The future health I.T. will broadly define the use of information and communication technology in health care to support the delivery of patient or population care. For example the future technology will include applications such as telemedicine, clinical alerts, and reminders, computerized clinical decision support system, consumer health information applications, and electronic exchange of health information. I feel the implementation of this futuristic health I.T. will be beneficial in these settings. Patients at home or various types of communities that are underdeveloped will have access to this new health technology. The successful health I.T in these settings may provide much needed tools to improve health care for various vulnerable populations including elderly patients.
Pertaining to scientific proof some believe there is no such thing. In science there is no proof because there are a lot of things which has a degree of uncertainty. In strictest sense one never arrives at a “proof”. There is a very high degree of probability however. In my program there will not be a 100 percent success rate. However there will be a high degree of certainty that the Health I.T. program will help the majority of the population. And eventually make the world a healthier place because of the easy access to information pertaining to your health.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Homework 12

Homework 12

If I had a robot to do one thing, I would recommend that it understands directions given to it. My current project deals with the ability to improve health I.T. Also touches on the inability of our current health I.T. situation. If robots were used in my industry they would be used for retrieving or delivering information. In my project I explore how health I.T. can be made more accessible to the patients; in addition more accessible for the doctors and nurses. My ideal for the future will be to actually have something like an intranet to support all patients’ health care needs and more importantly to store patients’ documents.
In my health care intranet patients will have the ability to access the information on a secure network. Patients will look at vital information relating to their needs. They will have access to speak to their physicians via email or webcam or any type of communication outlet. This I believe is the future of information technology for health.
Relating to robots they will only be used to fix existing problems with the net or research old files that have yet to be uploaded in the health I.T. database.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Homework 9

My current project deals with health I.T. for the future. As of now our health I.T. is outdated. I believe there can be many modifications that can be implemented to help health I.T. grow. Health I.T. is defined as the use of information and communication technology in health care to support patient-self management. My goal for the capability to support patient care related activities such as order communication, results reporting and a variety of applications on cell phones and desktops to support health I.T.
As of now our current system implement paper records. For example nurses go and pull our files from record that is stored at our local clinics. However files can be kept using an easier and more secure approach. My vision for Health I.T. in the future is easier access to patient files.
Specific Purpose of the Health I.T.
Challenges of Implementation
Various Applications
Research Areas and Setting

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Homework 8

Jeremy Wilkerson

Homework #8

Minority Report:

Minority Report is a Steven Spielberg film. Based in Washington D.C. in the year of 2054, in which a special police division known as the precrime unit exist. This unit detains criminals before they have the opportunity to murder their victims. This was determined by three physics which was referred to as “Precogs”. The cast included Tom Cruise as Chief John Anderton and Collin Farrell as Department of Justice Agent, and Samantha Morton as the oldest precog. In the movie there were a lot of futuristic technologies used. Therefore the precrime unit takes advantage of the “perfect system”. This system uses holograms in which they can display information by a touch of the screen. Also there were futuristic highways and cars which drove themselves.

There are several questions that can be asked and discussed pertaining to this movie. Such as can this really happen? Well I believe it can one day. The holographic technology being used in the movie is plausible and being developed now. In addition the questions arise in which if there was a gene that would make someone more likely to commit a crime. The answer is yes, there is a current study performed which identifies a gene which can cause criminal behavior. As far as taking actions for this gene I do not know of any. The methods and tricks Minority Report used during the movie are unusual however effective. Such as using mystery to keep the attention of the audience.

In conclusion Minority Report is the ideal film which the technology used eventually become real in our everyday lives. Minority Report displays how even the “perfect system” isn’t perfect nevertheless it shows how techn

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Homework 4

My topic for discussion is how long will it take for banks NOT to have pyhysical locations. The question was presented to the class for discussion and also to execute the Delphi method. The results ranged from 5-20 years to never. There are different ways to interpret the topic of discussion such as will there still be ATM machines when there are no banks. Or how many years until majority of transactions are processed online so to re-word my question I would ask. Will there ever be a time when there are not any banks to physically walk into do business?

Homework 4

Homework 6

Homework 6





1) Imagine Earth without people is a magazine article written by Bob Holmes. In his 4 page article he discusses the damage humans are causing to the Earth. He then imagines if humans were no more and in a million years how “mother Earth” will wipe away the traces of a civilization. Mr. Holmes discuss shortly if humans will destroy themselves and his answer is yes.

2) This is the official site to the Boeing airplane. In the new airplane tab there will be a link which Boeing is introducing their new air taxi which is called the 787 Dreamliner. The new airplane can fly at speeds such as Mach 0.85, which the average jetliner flies at a cruising speed of 500 mph.

3) The Future of Human Life Expectancy Have Reached the ceiling or is the sky the limit? This PDF article is very interesting. It includes statistics from the Behavioral and Social Research (BSR) and the National Institute on Aging (NIA). In short the article illustrates the life expectancy from 1840-2000 and it has increased tremendously. The author says in the reduction of harmful products such as smoking and drinking and the increase of new technology of medicine. Life expectancy will continue to grow.

2. My topic is the destruction of physical bank locations. I feel that all the banks will be online in the future. In addition the TRIZ method in which the online banks could also add would be a "one stop shop". In which one could take care of all his/her needs, such as buying groceries or shopping. And the debits will automatically be posted to the account. (No more balancing your check book) That's just a little idea that could eventually branch off from the online banking sites.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Homework 2

Bank Account

Beginning Balance $200



Interest Earned
Ending Balance
























Every 7 years the interest doubles itself at 2%.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homework 3

2) The Delphi method is a systematic interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of independent experts. The process in class differs due to these reasons. First the class was not a panel of experts and also in the Delphi method from the encyclopedia the experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of replies of other members of their panel.

3) As far as shortcomings, the process could be altered due to the facilitator and the specification of the question. I think the question put up for discussion can't be broad because that would make it hard for the panel to answer.